EuroChem Northwest
EuroChem Northwest 1 has the largest single-train production capacity in Europe, at 1 million tonnes of ammonia per year.
EuroChem invested $1bn in the development of the plant, ensuring self-sufficiency for EuroChem in an important component of its fertilizer production needs. EuroChem supplies ammonia to its fertilizer production plants and to external customers. About 25% of total output is sold to third parties, offering them a more cost-effective supply of ammonia.
Close proximity to the Group’s existing rail and shipping facilities allows the ammonia to be easily transported to production units and world markets.
EuroChem Northwest 1 incorporates the latest production technology, including KBR’s proprietary Purifier™ Ammonia Process. Sensitive to local environmental concerns, the plant was built on a brownfield site, and care was taken to avoid any negative impact on the surrounding areas. The facility features a closed water recycling system to prevent effluent discharges into the nearby Luga River, which flows into the Baltic Sea in the Gulf of Finland. EuroChem Northwest 1 created 300 permanent jobs within the local community.
Currently, EuroChem is constructing EuroChem Northwest 2 project, a plant with a design capacity of 1.4 MMT of urea and 1 MMT of ammonia. Commissioning and start-up work will begin from the second half of 2025, with the first product expected at the start of 2026.