EuroChem is subject to the laws of Switzerland. We apply the Swiss Code of best practice for Corporate Governance.
EuroChem is committed to robust corporate governance through compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations wherever it operates. All employees are responsible for respecting applicable laws and following the principles of our Code of Conduct and associated Compliance Policies.
We strive to uphold the highest ethical standards across all our activities, in line with EuroChem’s values, goals and objectives. The Board and senior management of the Group set the tone at the top, which is underpinned by the Code of Conduct.
Our corporate governance principles
Treating our shareholders
fairly; recognizing and
protecting their rights -
Operating an effective system
of internal control and audit -
Ensuring access to the
Company’s information and
financial transparency -
Applying the highest levels of business ethics
Providing an excellent working environment, career progression and effective communication mechanisms for employees
Key corporate governance documents
Articles of Association PDF (7.45 MB)PDF (7.45 MB)
Code of Conduct PDF (103.73 KB)PDF (103.73 KB)
Conflict of Interest Policy PDF (95.66 KB)PDF (95.66 KB)
Compliance Policy PDF (365.25 KB)PDF (365.25 KB)
Anti-Corruption Policy PDF (466.61 KB)PDF (466.61 KB)
Sanction Policy PDF (164.26 KB)PDF (164.26 KB)